Refraktometer Ethylene Propylene Glycol Urea Baterai Aki Mobil Urea (ethylene) Products
Name Refraktometer Ethylene Propylene Glycol Urea Baterai Aki Mobil Urea
Code ethylene
Type Standard
Brand OEM
Price Rp130.000,00
Tax Rate No Tax
Tax Method Exclusive
Unit PCS (PCS)
In Stock Yes
Product Details

Measurement Range (Rentang Pengukuran):
Battery: 1.10sg-1.40sg
Ethylene Glycol: -50C-0C
Propylene Glycol: -50C-0C

Min Division (Resolusi minimum):
Battery: 0.01sg
Ethylene Glycol: 5C
Propylene Glycol: 5C

Accuracy (Akurasi):
Battery: 0.01sg
Ethylene Glycol: 5C
Propylene Glycol: 5C

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